Friday, August 26, 2016


The goal of Orem Provo Mountain Bike & Run Club is to promote an increase of physical fitness in Utah County by providing training partners to make it safe to be in the mountains, and motivation to get out and enjoy nature.  We introduce beginners to safe routes to train on and provide consistent year-round group rides and runs.  All participants who come can choose from a free 15 minute  massage gift certificate at Vacation Massages or a $5 gift certificate at a bike shop in Utah County of their choice, if you ask for it while at the workoutRide locations and times are decided weekly depending on the weather, so you can find out about rides by calling eight zero one, two three one, two thousand or get invites in the facebook group “Orem Provo Mountain Bike and Run Club.” 


Our club aims to promote an increase of physical fitness through a joint-healthy sport in Utah County.  We invite beginners and experienced mountain bikers and trail runners to scenic, safe rides and runs to make mountain biking and trail running more fun and social with consistent daily rides and runs year round.   

We put rides on only during daylight hours during the time of day that is the most temperate for the time of year generally, at times when frost and ice is the least likely to occur, to prevent over-heating, frost-bite, sliding, and low visibility.  Although we have rides year-round and rarely cancel a ride due to the elements, even on rainy and snowy days, we encourage riders to slow down substantially on these days.  Riders should use their best judgement as to whether or not to participate in lightening storms and other inclement weather and need to sign an assumption of risk before participating.
   (updated 10/27/16)